The Academy Award-nominated documentary Time introduced Fox and Rob, who captivated audiences with their relentless fight for each other and justice, despite America’s broken prison system.

Now Fox and Rob Richardson reveal the rest of their riveting story, including the faith that sustained them and the miracles that brought them back together again.
The twenty-one years that kept Rob separated from his wife, Fox, and their six sons was long enough. As Rob survived two decades at America’s bloodiest penitentiary and Fox raised their sons solo, they never stopped fighting for Rob’s freedom and for their futures against the statistical odds.
Time tells the rest of their story.

In alternating voices and intimate detail, Fox and Rob reveal what the film does not–how a person can cultivate the radical love needed to see them through any hardship and how miracles can happen on the way. As they peel back the layers of their unforgettable love story, you’ll discover the secrets of perseverance and the power of a resilience that is founded on faith in a God who never gives up on us.

Just who is FoxandRob?

Sibil Fox and Robert Richardson are a New Orleans–based couple who endured twenty-one years as an incarcerated family and whose story is told in the acclaimed, award-winning documentary Time. Together they have six sons and continue their advocacy for incarcerated families through the NOLA chapter of Participatory Defense Movement, an initiative of Rich Family Ministries, which they founded with the vision of “changing lives and laws through love” and dedicated to empowering families and marriages to thrive.

“[Fox and Rob’s] faith will stir your courage, their love will expand your soul, and their tireless fight for justice will embolden you to speak on behalf of human dignity wherever you find it being dishonored.”
–Sister Helen Prejean
“Exposing the toll that the American prison system takes on an individual and their family, Fox and Rob’s story of heartbreak and perseverance needs to be heard around the world.”
–Kenya Barris, writer, producer, director, actor

“This story has to be told. This book has to be read. It’s so incredibly perfect for the times we live in–bad personal decisions, misplaced accountability, genuine redemption, and eventually dignity and justice. It’s better than fiction because it actually happened. And it’s proof that in the end, love really does conquer all.”
–Dr. Frank I. Luntz, political and communications commentator
“Like so many other filmgoers, I was moved, angered, and inspired by the extraordinary documentary Time. My only complaint was that it left me wanting to know more. Now, this book goes into greater depth and detail in telling Fox and Rob Richardson’s courageous battle to achieve justice for themselves and, ultimately, for so many who have been failed by the American legal system.”
–Jeffrey Katzenberg, cofounder, WndrCo and DreamWorks, SKG

“For Fox and Rob Richardson, it’s about determination, growth, love, and faith–an inspiring success story against all odds. For me, Time is a celebration of the human spirit’s ability to transcend the mud and rise from it, unstained like the lotus, bringing beauty into the world where we least expect it.”
–Wilbert Rideau, award-winning prison journalist, editor and filmmaker; author of In the Place of Justice
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